Vaporwave Aesthetics
Culture Book
Layout Design
Printing & Binding
Set Design
Layout Design 〰️ Printing & Binding 〰️ Set Design 〰️ Photography 〰️
Vaporwave is a subculture rooted in the internet. By manifesting its aesthetics in a physical form, this book breaches the dimensional limit of a culture born online and allows it to reach new audiences.
The visual and aural aesthetics of the genre have always appealed to me, and as someone who tries to at least be more mindful of the time I spend online I resonate with the idea of ripping out an online culture and placing it in the physical world as a way of generating dialogue, just as the genre rips out renaissance sculpture and places it in a new context to generate dialogue.
This book borrows its text from The Routeledge Companion to Digital Ethnography as well as the Aesthetics Fandom Wiki entry on Vaporwave, and organizes it into a compact book that features various self-shot photographs of marble statues collaged and manipulated with other common visual motifs seen in the genre. This book also acts as a shameless paper promotion for Red River Paper (which I love), playing into the ironic consumerism display that Vaporwave is known for. The resulting artifact was printed, cut, and bound by myself.
Year ~ 2023
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop